How to Pray with Humility

How to pray with humility!  Questions to bring you closer to God’s will.

How our ego and wants can be distracting. 

   – God wants us to ask, but God  wants us to also learn to accept his will. 

Take time to reflect on your prayer life. What does it sound like?

Try asking yourself these questions to turn your prayer from your wants to accepting what God wants for you.

Do you ever focus so much on yourself that  we often forget who is in charge?  I pray daily to seek humility. I at times have been  in a place where ego gets in the way.  Sure Ego can move us forward in some ways but sometimes pride gets in the way in moving forward in our life or in helping others.  Humility is part when it is about us. For example, what is in my best interest instead what is in God’s best interest? 

Do you sometimes find yourself praying for what is best for me instead of what it is that God wants for you?

Are you in a place in your life that you are saying that I want this because I deserve this?  Or you in a place where you feel that I am not worthy of this?  Some people feel like they have it all on their own and  some people want to hide and not let people in and feel  that they  have to do it on their own without God’s help.

Ask yourself…do you seek your will or desires first or do you seek God’s desires in your life first?  I feel God give us the desires of our heart.  When you seek his will your desires become his desire. 


As you view God as a leader in your life, not that life is easy always but you may find some clarity in your life. 

Reminder we are human. We are easily distracted. 

But never so much we can’t turn our attention back to God and His will and Love.

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