Walking Through the Storm

Do you ever feel it is far too easy to take our eyes off Jesus and to become consumed with circumstances around us?   Do you ever think that when we only look around us, we can’t truly see what God sees.  When Peter looked at his surroundings his faith withered and he began to sink but when we keep our eyes on God we can walk by faith.

Storms of life come is so many ways. So often I have tried to get through those storms without God’s help and when that happens, I feel that I begin to sink, focus on my lack of whatever at the time, limitations and on my sin. But when I look to Jesus those things begin to fall away!

This Scripture verse comes to mind in Matthew 14

“Take Heart it is I do not be afraid”.  Jesus said to Peter “yes come” asking Peter to “Take courage I am here!”  So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.  But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, then he was terrified and began to sink.  Peter then shouted “Save me Lord!” Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him.  Jesus said “you have so little faith, why did you doubt me?”


As I focus on this gospel….storms of life comes in so many ways. 

It can be far too easy to take our eyes of Jesus and to become consumed with our circumstances.  When we only look at the circumstances around us, we can’t see things the way God sees them.  For example, when Peter looked at his surroundings, his faith withered and he began to sink…When we keep our eyes on God, we can walk by faith.

So when you walk toward the Lord and you only focus on the waves, the storms of life, we tend to focus on all the bad things and then the waves of fear and discouragement begins to set in. But when we keep our eyes on God, we can walk by faith. Therefore keeping your eyes on Jesus there is power, success, peace, and joy. 

Because we are so distracted in what we can’t do or afraid to fail, that is when we begin to sink and there are consequences with that because we are so distracted by our own lack and sin.  Then spiritual discouragement sets in.  We can’t serve or love how we want to because we are so distracted by are own lack.

God is not limited by are weakness only we are.  Although we start out with good intentions, sometimes our faith falters.  This doesn’t necessarily mean we have failed. When Peter’s faith faltered, he reached out to Christ. He was afraid, but he still looked to Christ. Eyes that focus on Jesus can experience his power.  

Therefore when you are apprehensive about the troubles  around you “storms” and doubt Christ’s presence or ability to help, remember that he is always with you and is the only one who can really help!

“Take Heart it is I do not be afraid”.

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